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Snore Guards

img snoreguardNo more sleepless nights!

A snore guard is a device worn in the mouth to eliminate snoring during sleep. It is fabricated to fit comfortably in your mouth. The device is totally safe, too large for accidental swallowing, and is very easy to clean.

Don't lay awake while your spouse or partner snores the night away. Have them contact us for an appointment to learn more about snore guards.

Dermal Fillers

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img dermafillersDermal fillers have helped many of our patients regain confidence after the loss of facial soft tissue.

Juviderm Voluma™ is a powerful derma filler that can last up to 18 months.

A dermal filler is a medication that is injected into the skin to provide volume in order to smooth out wrinkles, enhance lips, raise scar depressions, and replace soft tissue loss. Dermal fillers can be synthetic which carry minimal to no side effects, and non-synthetic, which carry high(er) risk of side effects. Dermal fillers are not permanent yet last for a few months (3 to 8) and up to a year; they have become quite popular among cosmetic procedures. The application takes a few minutes and results are usually immediate.

Oakland Park Dental uses the most advanced products from Juvéderm and Radiesse. Let us help you look younger! Request an appointment today.

Dental Implants

img implantsDental implants provide a strong foundation for fixed or removable replacement teeth and can be used to support a single tooth, a bridge, or a denture.

Minimally-invasive surgery is a great alternative for replacing failing or missing teeth. High-precision implant systems use hand-crafted replacements that are durable and natural-looking, with outstanding long-term results.

Some of the advantages of dental implants include improved appearance of your smile, improved speech, easier ability to eat, improved self-esteem, and better oral health.

Dental implants are a highly effective way to improve your smile. Want to learn more? Request an appointment today.


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img botoxBotox® is a cosmetic medication administered by a health care professional only. It is commonly used to temporarily reduce the appearance of frown lines between the eyebrows, crow's feet, and other wrinkles on the face. Botox is injected directly into the muscles in order to block their nerve activity, thus "freezing" the muscle activity that causes the wrinkles.

If you think Botox is right for you, contact us today to make an appointment for a consultation.

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